I've really taken to L.A.'s car culture as well. For one thing, I love my car. Penelope is the first new car I've ever owned, and I feel pretty happy driving around, usually alone, singing at the top of my lungs (and often hurting my throat in the process) to my iPod or geeking out on NPR. I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but I play hockey with a reporter for KPCC, the public radio station I listen to. I didn't realize it at first, but one day we were talking in the locker room and she said something about working on a story. I said, "Are you are reporter?" and she said, yeah, she worked for KPCC. I said, "No way! What's your last name?" and she told me, and I yelled "NO WAY!!!" because I hear her on the radio pretty much every day. In my mind, she is the biggest celebrity I know. Yes, I consider her to be a celebrity. She's on radio! She even brought me to their Christmas party last year, so I got to meet a bunch of other people I hear on the radio. I was so overwhelmed. That may have been more exciting to me than seeing Prince at the New Years Eve party, Angel (David Boreanaz) at the hockey rink, or Boone from Lost (Ian Somerhalder) at LAX. (Yes, seeing someone from Lost at the airport was a little creepy, too.) Going to a taping of Washington Week and seeing Gwen Ifill in person may have been a little more exciting, though. I love you Gwen!
So yeah, hockey, tacos, drive-through lattes, celebrities (even ones I care about)- life is pretty exciting here in L.A.
That was a fun post to read, Shugs. Me want taco now. Me love you.
Awww, I miss you! You should come visit me so we can have tacos after I visit you. :) Me loves you too.
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